Great Events &

Ways to Volunteer

Check out Bible studies, ways to serve at church and in our community. We have a ton of fun and would love your involvement!

Get Involved!


Here's some of the ways we get involved with our church family. Join us!

We have lots of teams that work together and many ways to learn and play together. The best way to stay in the loop is to check out our Facebook page. Here are some of the things we do regularily. Call the church office for more information: 920.235.8430

  • Sunday Service: 9:30am - Volunteers are welcomed to participate on music teams, as greeters, making treats for fellowship hour, in children's ministries, as liturgists and more!
  • Annual Bazaar - This event is a highlight of the year!  Artisans make crafts and treasures throughout the year to sell. You're welcome to make and donate items, as well as participate as a volunteer on the event day. There's also a tearoom, thrift shop and live music to make this a perfect kickoff to your holiday season. This community-wide event is offered the first Saturday in November. 

  • Quilters - Thursday mornings, several women gather to work on their own projects, such as quilts, wall hangings and cross stitch or embroidered items. Some are created for sale at the Talent Auction.

  • Talent Auction - Every March, you have a chance to create! Donations of handmade knit items, carefully curated services and handcrafted treasures join amazing homemade foods.

  • Bible Studies -  Every season, we offer a study or two to equip us to better understand Scripture and apply it to life. Call the church office to find out more about our upcoming studies.

  • Men’s Group - We get together for breakfast, host an annual chili cookoff, work on the church building. One of our distinct joys is helping widows with home repairs and upkeep as "church husbands".   
Contact Us

First United Methodist Church

Sundays 9:30 a.m. | 700 W. Linwood Avenue, Oshkosh WI 54901 | 920.235.8430 |